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时间:2023-07-12 23:25:08 阅读量:0次 所属分类:发表指导


Title: An Overview of Engineering Technology Journals in the SCI Fourth Quartile


The field of engineering technology encompasses a broad range of practical and applied sciences, focusing on the application of scientific and engineering principles to solve real-world problems. As part of the evaluation process of scholarly research, journals are often ranked in different quartiles based on their impact factors. This article provides an overview of engineering technology journals that fall within the SCI (Science Citation Index) fourth quartile, highlighting the diverse range of publications available in this category.

1. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology:

As a distinguished journal in the field of engineering technology, the International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology focuses on research related to precision engineering, manufacturing, and green technology. It emphasizes innovative and sustainable manufacturing processes to address environmental challenges.

2. International Journal of Nanotechnology and Allied Sciences:

The International Journal of Nanotechnology and Allied Sciences aims to explore and advance the application of nanotechnology in various engineering disciplines. It covers research on nanomedicine, nanomaterials, nanoelectronics, and other related areas, making significant contributions to advancing knowledge in this rapidly evolving field.

3. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering C:

The Journal of Materials Science and Engineering C is dedicated to publishing original research related to materials science and engineering. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including but not limited to material synthesis, characterization, properties, and applications. The journal provides a platform for researchers to exchange ideas and share advancements in materials science.

4. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering:

Focusing on the intersection of engineering and sustainability, the International Journal of Sustainable Engineering promotes research on environmentally friendly engineering practices, renewable energy sources, sustainable construction, and waste management. It encourages interdisciplinary collaborations between engineering and environmental science to address global sustainability challenges.

5. Journal of Advanced Transportation:

The Journal of Advanced Transportation addresses a range of topics related to transportation engineering, including traffic flow, road safety, intelligent transportation systems, and infrastructure design. It provides a platform for researchers and practitioners to publish innovative studies and practical applications in the field of transportation engineering.


The listed journals are representative of the diverse range of engineering technology publications available in the SCI fourth quartile. Although these journals may have lower impact factors compared to higher quartile publications, they offer valuable contributions to the field by disseminating groundbreaking research, encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration, and addressing critical challenges faced by the engineering technology community. Researchers and academics interested in engineering technology will find these journals useful in staying updated with the latest scientific advancements and insights within their respective fields.
